Passing Through: Artists from DoVA 2012-2021
October 7 - December 11, 2022
Opening Reception and Screening
Friday, October 7, 2022
Screening of Look Back by Lauren Beck (MFA ‘12)
5:30 PM in the Screening Room (Logan 201)
Opening Reception
6–8pm in Logan Center Gallery
Welcome Remarks by Curator at 6:30 PM
Shanna Zentner (MFA ‘17), To Live Within a Projection (detail), 2020-2022, oil and acrylic on canvas. Image courtesy of the artist.
Logan Center Exhibitions celebrates the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts’ 10-year anniversary with its Fall 2022 exhibition Passing Through: Artists from DOVA 2012–2021. This broad survey features recent work by 37 artists who have passed through graduate and undergraduate programs at UChicago’s Department of Visual Arts (DoVA). The exhibition is organized by guest curator Scott Wolniak.
Presented by Logan Center Exhibitions with the support of DoVA, The Reva and David Logan Foundation, and friends of the Logan Center.
“The process of reflecting on and catching up with DoVA alumni from the past decade has been a pleasure. There is an incredible abundance of interesting work being made by this community, far more than could be represented in a single show. I am not aiming to provide a clear summation of DoVA or its sensibilities, although some may emerge when all the work comes together. The main rule was that the work had to be produced since completing the program.
An art department can feel like a revolving door— students enter, they push and are pushed, they expand and contract, and get spit out the other side. For this exhibition, I am interested in the question, ‘And then what?’.”
Nick Bastis (MFA 2013)
Autumn Elizabeth Clark (MFA 2015)
Jinn Bronwen Lee (MFA 2014)
David Lloyd (MFA 2015)
Screening of “One Inch Leather” by Lauren Beck
Thursday, November 10
4:00 – 6:00 PM, every ½ hour, on the ½ hour
Logan Center Screening Room (201)
DoVA Alumni Discuss Artist-Run Spaces & Curation
moderated by Scott Wolniak
Presented with the Department of Visual Arts' Open Practice Committee
Monday, November 14
6:00 -7:30 PM
Logan Center Performance Penthouse (901)
Curator Walkthrough with Scott Wolniak
Saturday, December 3
2 - 3 PM
Logan Center Gallery
“Focused on making, the Department of Visual Arts [DoVA] is one of the many specialized knowledge communities at the University of Chicago, one of the world’s great research institutions. We aim to stimulate and provoke both graduate and undergraduate students, encouraging the development of independent and challenging thought as expressed and inscribed in the visual arts. We propose that art is inquiry. Our faculty, diverse in its pursuits, is critically engaged in dialogue nationally and internationally. Our students benefit from this dialogue, and are also encouraged to pursue areas of overlap with the many other disciplines represented at the university – history, art history, science, philosophy, aesthetics, theater, music, and creative writing to name a few.” - Jessica Stockholder, Raymond W. & Martha Hilpert Gruner Distinguished Service Professor, Visual Arts
Scott Wolniak (b. 1971) is a multidisciplinary artist, educator and occasional curator, who has been teaching in DoVA since 2007. While primarily focused on his studio and exhibitions, curation has played a casual but significant role in Wolniak’s practice over the past two decades. He ran Suitable Gallery, an influential alternative space in his Humboldt Park garage between 1999 and 2005, as well as the tangential video platform, Suitable Video, which curated screening programs and DVD editions between 2005 and 2011. He ran Screen Share gallery for student-made video and animation at the Logan Center, and recently organized Wheel of Life, an exhibition of artist-made zoetropes, at the Hyde Park Art Center. Wolniak received a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1995 and MFA from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2002.
Logan Center Exhibitions presents international contemporary art programming at the Logan Center Gallery and throughout the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts at the University of Chicago. Reflecting the spirit of inquiry at the university, Logan Center Exhibitions focuses on open, collaborative, and process-based approaches to cultural production. Working closely with artists, students, scholars and community members, Logan Center Exhibitions presents innovative exhibitions by emerging and established artists; supports ambitious new commissions and research projects; disseminates knowledge through publications; and facilitates connections through talks and other public programs.