BA THESIS EXHIBITION | welding, aerosol sprays, open flame, caustic chemicals, excessive dust, etc.
April 1 - 22, 2016
welding, aerosol sprays, open flame, caustic chemicals, excessive dust, etc.
Department of Visual Arts BA Thesis Exhibition
Reception: Fri, Apr 1, 6:30-8:30pm
In small spaces, residue accumulates and material history becomes evident. What was new and lustrous becomes old and worn. The materials, the processes, and the people - all producers of dust, all to turn to dust. Let us trace their paths, see their marks, their excesses, and their spaces large and small, indoor and outdoor, permanent and temporary. Let's chase the excessive dust, etc.
The University of Chicago’s Department of Visual Arts and Logan Center Exhibitions present the 2016 BA Thesis Exhibition featuring works by Anna Atkeson, Gabi Bernard, Yeesoo Chae, Lorenzo Conte, Jessee Fish, Maddox Fraad, Rachel Jackson, Reshad Monsur, Alison Titus, Anna Tropnikova, Cambria Whitcomb, Angela Zhang, and Irene Zhang.
Presented by DoVA and Logan Center Exhibitions with the support of UChicago Arts.