Amelia Frank
Every day I push the boulder up the mountain and wait for something of epic proportions to interrupt my routine. On the way up I plan to touch the sun. On the way down I consider sinking into the ocean. I tell myself stories along the way: once upon a time there was an enormous antagonist, wild with apathy, crying out for his mother. I convince myself that my mossless stone stands in for a certain witness until it occurs to me that the force compelling me upward also compels every other creature that walks the earth. I hang my hat on the corner of the sky, and nothing suspends me.
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Installation view, Logan Center Gallery. Photo by Robert Chase Heishman
(Top) Arachne’s Migraine, 2020, pen on paper; (Bottom) Arachne Under the Egg Tree, 2019, pen on paper. Photo by Robert Chase Heishman
City Limits, 2020, oil on canvas; Hide and Seek, 2020, oil on canvas; Grendel, 2020, oil on canvas. Photo by Robert Chase Heishman
Mama, 2020, bass wood. Photo by Robert Chase Heishman
Resisting the Wind, 2020, oil on canvas; IM ALL THE FISHES IN THE SEA!, 2019, ballpoint pen, oil pastel, and colored pencil on paper. Photo by Robert Chase Heishman